Make your AI smarter

Pangeanic’s ML strength is based on more than +10bn perfectly aligned parallel segments for machine learning to develop relations among languages and entities and to build Natural Language Processing (NLP) solutions.

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Welcome to the ECO era!

icono Data Annotation


icono Machine Learning


icono Deep Learning

Data Annotation

Algorithms need data as fuel to identify patterns and trends, predict outcomes, categorize and classify data and so on. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) systems require large amounts of quality data to continuously improve and learn. Data Annotation is the process whereby we enrich our raw data by labeling it with “classification” information.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning uses data to identify correlations and structures. Artificial Intelligence algorithms identify patterns to help you gain insights from massive amounts of data and can help you solve problems which would require thousands or millions of man-hours to process.  Quality of data for AI is crucial.

Deep Learning

Deep Adaptive automatically selects the most relevant content from our 10bn data repository to prioritize incoming material with different levels of aggressivity. This creates state-of-the-art, ready-to-use neural MT engines that mimic the user’s style and expressions practically like a human translator.

Why Pangeanic?


Pangeanic combines a team of committed professionals from several industries: translation, computing, systems security, software development, Natural Language Processing, linguistics, data, international sales, banking and legal. Their combined efforts make Pangeanic a unique place to work, where talent is nurtured.


Our team, experts in the fields of data science, development of AI tools and computational linguistics, has created ECO, a language processing platform that exponentially increases information extraction, machine translation and named-entity recognition capacities in services such as Deep Adaptive, Machine Translation, Anonymization, Summarization, Text Classification, Data Annotation and Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning.


Pangeanic is the perfect partner if you want your AI systems to grow and to reach the level you require. Trust in our experience as developers of Natural Language Processing solutions to create your own artificial intelligence systems, whether through our cognitive engines and systems or using training data that will boost the learning of your own algorithms.


At Pangeanic we offer a secure environment, where users can privately manage all their data through their passwords, with an administrator panel that allows them to control all authorized users for the same account at all times, unlike other online environments where the final private use of the data is not guaranteed.

Don't miss out and try ECO!

If you want to know how our advanced and user-configurable AI works for Deep Adaptive MT services, Anonymization, Knowledge Discovery and Entity Recognizers, don’t hesitate – request a free DEMO now!


We are Quality

EQA 17100
ISO 27001